Those Who Came Along

the Spirit Safe

Hello there!!

Well, the CD celebration was a huge blessing! To see so many people that we know and love, it was humbling being surrounded by you all. I am trying to put together another show soon to honor a couple of more people who were a part of the project but were unable to perform at this gathering.

On a side note, the second installment of TWCA has already begun production. Three songs in the can, and three more being ironed out as we speak. I have learned so much from everyone involved in the Spirit Safe that I am going to give the vocals a stab on this one. As I am used to being a support for musical projects, it is a challenge and a growing experience leading your own. I have nothing but the utmost respect and admiration for anyone who has a vision and sees it through to completion no matter what form of art it is.

Be on the lookout for more sneak peeks!!

Cheers, Brian

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